Caring for a Pet with Neurological Problem: Five of the Most Common Ones

Pets are wonderful companions that provide us with love and affection. They’re also a great source of stress relief and can help reduce anxiety and depression. But when our pets suffer from a neurological condition, it can be heartbreaking. So this means that aside from pet dental care, vaccinations, and other vet services, we also have to take care of […]

5 Amazing (and Slightly Bizarre) Exotic Pets You Can Own in Arizona

The Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook (2017-2018 edition) shows that over 13 percent of households in the United States owned an exotic pet at the year-end of 2016. Their data showed a 25 percent increase from 2011. While Arizona has some of the strictest laws regarding exotic animal ownership, several pets still fall into the “exotic” category that you can […]

Find the Benefits of These New Veterinary Treatments

Find the Benefits of These New Veterinary Treatments Many of the medicines and treatments used by veterinary professionals are intended for humans but modified for animal use. Nevertheless, a drug is more likely to be efficiently absorbed by precisely formulating it for dogs and cats. It’s always exciting to hear about the clearance of new animal drugs since there are […]

Why Every Pet Should Get Vaccinations

Why Every Pet Should Get Vaccinations Vaccination is essential for securing your pet against transmittable diseases and other disorders. They have revolutionized how infectious diseases are seen in medicine like no further modern medical discovery. As numerous conditions vary from location to location, you may collaborate with your vet to treat your pet’s specific needs. Vaccinations are relatively low-cost, particularly […]