Dog ears are available in various sizes and shapes; however, they have different structures than human ears. They have a long, vertically, and horizontally separated ear canal. The result is a shape that more readily retains dirt, which may cause dog problems with their ears.
The puppies and dogs of the world can suffer problems with their ears for various reasons. An underlying issue often prevents a dog’s ear’s typical protective barrier from functioning correctly. When the ear is inflamed or wet, it’s simple for bacteria or yeast to spread and create an infection.
Dog Ear infections require medical attention from a veterinarian. After inspecting your pet, the vet will decide whether additional home remedies are needed. To determine the course for your pet, your vet will likely need to look at the earwax and scans of your dog’s ear.
Causes of Dog Ear Infections
The causes of dog ear infections are various causes. If your dog consistently has an ear problem, there could be an underlying problem causing the condition to come back. There are several causes of your dog’s recurrent ear infections.
Bacterial and Yeast Infections
The natural yeast found that grows in your dog’s ear canal often due to allergies. This can lead to yeast infections. In the ear, the development of bacteria typically brought on due to wax accumulation or moisture is the cause of bacterial infections.
Dogs suffering from yeast or bacterial conditions in their ears usually have symptoms that include excessive scratching and itching on the ear. These symptoms include the appearance of a brown or red discharge or a crustiness that covers the ear.
Food or Environmental Allergies
Otitis externa is common in dogs with allergies to food or the environment. Most pets with food sensitivities and skin allergies can develop an ear infection at some point during their lives. Most dogs are allergic to proteins, such as chicken, lamb, beef, dairy, and eggs. Consult your veterinarian about disorders of animals’ internal systems.
Mass in the Ear Canal
A tumor or tumor may cause recurrent ear infections in dogs with the ear canal. Adenomas of the ceruminous gland, polyps, and adenocarcinomas are typical ear canal tumors. They’re usually followed by swelling, bad smell, ear itching or a waxy discharge visible in one ear, and head shaking.
Water in the Ear Canal
The ear canal’s moisture could encourage the growth of germs, which can result in an infection. To help prevent any water from getting caught inside your dog’s ear after exposure to moisture, ensure that they dry their ears on time.
Ear Mites and Parasites
Your dog’s ears will itch from ear mites, parasites, and ticks. They are known to shake their heads and scratch their ears in response to this. As well as generating wax that causes discomfort that can cause an infection, ear mites could also make their ears painful, swollen, or inflamed. Visit a veterinary website to find more details.
Wax Buildup
Wax is a common component in our ears and our dog’s ears. But, an excessive accumulation of wax may cause an obstruction to the ear canal, hinder the airflow, and even lead to an ear canal infection. The two most common causes of increased wax accumulation are ear mites and allergies.
Autoimmune Disease
Although they are uncommon, diseases, where the immune system targets healthy cells can cause inflammation and infection within your dog’s ear canals. The conditions that cause this include vasculitis pemphigus or lupus. There is additional information on this page.