Throughout your life, the mouth undergoes various changes. The third molars of your mouth are usually the first to emerge as a significant dental milestone. Since they erupt later, they were traditionally called wisdom teeth.
Wisdom teeth can cause problems when there isn’t enough space for them to grow or if they erupt in an incorrect position. While every patient is unique, wisdom teeth might need to be removed if there is evidence that the oral cavity has been altered.
Additionally, your dentist may suggest removing your wisdom teeth if you require braces or other dental work. Your dentist will examine your mouth and make an x-ray before making any judgments. The best course of action is discussed between you with your dentist.
Why Do You Need Wisdom Tooth Removal?
Many recognize that discomfort is a warning indication that the wisdom teeth have come in and might require removal. But it’s not the only sign that indicates an unhealthy wisdom tooth that needs to be removed. Other symptoms include frequent infections in the gums’ final tooth’s soft tissue.
Damage to Nearby Teeth
The other teeth of your mouth could be pushed around by the additional molars, which can cause problems with your bite and mouth. It can be challenging to clean and floss effectively and cause discomfort and bite issues that could cause tooth decay. If treatment is delayed, you may require additional treatments to fix the affected teeth nearby. Visit wisdom teeth removal Nanaimo for further information.
Damage to the Jaw
In the area of your newly-created teeth, cysts can develop. They could hollow out your jaw and cause nerve damage if they aren’t addressed. As with other teeth, wisdom teeth also come out of the jaws’ gums; however, it isn’t always the case most often if there’s little space between the adjacent teeth.
The development of wisdom teeth can be seen within the affected areas’ jaws, causing them to move the adjacent teeth and even the jawline. The jawline may be restricted and cause pain to move the jawline. If left untreated, the cysts that form along the newly formed molars may cause jaw bones to be hollowed out and cause nerve damage to the adjacent, healthy teeth.
Sinus Problems
Due to the tight ties between the nose and mouth, Wisdom teeth that are impacted could affect the sinuses. If the growth of these molars creates headaches, sinus pressure, and congestion, wisdom tooth removal is recommended. Since oral health is a sign of general health, being aware of any signs or symptoms is crucial. Specialists like dentist Kitchener can help you with any dental problems like wisdom tooth removal.
Sensitivity and Pain
A lot of people don’t realize those wisdom teeth are affected until they begin to get hurt. It’s a minor issue that could be so subtle that it is almost invisible, as with any other tooth problem. Every toothache shouldn’t be ignored, even with slight throbbing and sensitivity.
Be aware of where it occurs; if your back mouth is touched during eating or brushing, your wisdom teeth are likely to have been exposed. In a short time, it becomes evident that they crowd adjacent teeth, expand in a different direction from other teeth, or even impact the jaws.
Inflamed Gums
Gums play an essential part in maintaining oral health. They are impacted by wisdom teeth that are affected. The wisdom teeth may cause the gums to expand and make cleaning difficult when they appear at an angle from the other teeth. The reddish spots along the gum line can lead to tooth decay and cavities, which makes it hard to clean and floss correctly. Wisdom tooth removal and root canal Lethbridge offers different types of oral surgeries.