Like human teeth, the teeth of dogs can also get damaged. The teeth of dogs can be worn out in a short time, particularly those who love chewing.
As dog’s age and develop, tooth wear is expected and is normal. However, excessive wear can cause discomfort and dental problems. The early detection of tooth wear and cooperation with your vet in taking care of your dog will help prevent tooth loss.
The friction between teeth in time usually leads to tooth wear. Teeth can wear faster when chewing frequently. Furthermore, certain materials can accelerate the process of aging.
Worn-Down Canine Teeth
Loss of dental tissue, usually due to wear and tear, can cause dog teeth to wear down until they reach the gumline. To better understand the problem, dogs are advised to visit a veterinarian for a dental exam and radiograph. Understanding the cause behind the dog’s damaged teeth is essential to avoid further dental damage from occurring soon.
Signs and Symptoms
Dark patches of brown or a general appearance can indicate that your teeth are worn. They usually are uneven or have a flattened edge. Sometimes the gum line can be attained through worn-down teeth.
You may notice signs of wear when you take care of your dog’s teeth. It is possible that your dog isn’t chewing in certain mouth areas because they are prone to irritation. You should be aware of the signs and symptoms such as decreased appetite, unusual eating behaviors, a refusal to chew on treats or toys, excessive drooling, and pawing at your mouth or face. Consult a veterinarian more about dental problems.
The tooth’s hard white outer layer is damaged in the beginning due to wear and tear on the teeth. When dentin is exposed to wear and tear, the teeth are more sensitive to heat and touch. The tooth can become extremely painful when the pulp is damaged or exposed.
Dentin additions strengthen the affected area after a tooth has suffered a wear-related injury. The tooth may be damaged if the wear is severe or occurs faster than the growing new dentin.
If you see any changes in the appearance of your dog’s teeth or any changes in behavior that are consistent with an injured mouth, contact your vet. If the wear on your teeth is not too bad, your vet may only require cleaning and smoothing the tooth.
If the damage is severe, a veterinary dentist may recommend tooth removal. This can generally be performed concurrently to avoid the need for another anesthesia treatment. Even with significant deterioration, teeth can be saved in certain situations. You can see on this link more details.
Examining your dog’s teeth regularly for any issues is a suitable method. The earlier you can identify wear indicators, the better the chance of slowing the process.
The items your dog can chew on can reduce the abrasion-related wear and tear on teeth. Water bottles, tennis balls, and other things that could wear away the teeth shouldn’t be offered for chewing on.
Wear and tear on teeth caused by attrition is harder to reverse. When you have an oral exam, your dentist can detect an abnormality and possibly see early signs of deterioration. If the bite is unusual, the doctor may suggest fixing the problem before further damage occurs. Visit an animal hospital for any information you might need.