You may help prevent your canine from internal parasites by keeping your yard feces-free and avoiding permitting your dog to drink standing water. Do not let their little size deceive you: internal parasites might be a bit; however, they may wreak havoc on your pet’s health. Heartworms, intestinal worms (such as roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms), and protozoa (single-celled) parasites like coccidia and Giardia are the most common internal pet parasites.

Tips for Controlling Your Pet’s Internal Parasites

A few of these parasites might trigger deadly infections if left unattended. Here are seven simple procedures for keeping your pet parasite-free.

1. Talk with your vet.

Inquire with your vet about the parasites that prevail in your region. Specific internal parasites are less of a worry in particular sections of the nation, while others require year-round protection.

Your veterinary internist in Laguna Woods can encourage you on what to look out for based on your area, how these parasites might be spread to your pet, and recommend the best preventative items.

2. Be watchful for indicators of illness.

Some parasite-infected canines show no indications of sickness. That is why frequent testing and avoidance are critical. When signs develop, it is useful to understand what to search for. Not all parasites produce the same health problem signs in dogs; the most regular signs include diarrhea, throwing up, lack of appetite, and blood in your pet’s feces.

Coughing and problem breathing are symptoms of heartworms. If you see any of these in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately to discover why.

3. Administer preventative medicines to your pet.

Much of these digestive parasites might be prevented with a couple of low-cost cat and dog shots. Many vets encourage supplying these preventives all year. Even while you’re on a trip, consistency is important. If you skip a few doses, see your veterinarian.

4. Maintain a feces-free backyard.

Great cleanliness is one of the most efficient techniques to limit your pet’s direct exposure danger to parasites. That includes tidying up after your canine – all canine excrement in your backyard should be cleaned up, considering that most intestinal parasites are transferred via contact with feces.

Because certain parasites might remain in the soil for a long period, a fecal-contaminated lawn can be a source of direct exposure for numerous months.

5. Have your veterinarian do a fecal check frequently.

Bring a new sample of your pet’s feces every year (or every six months for certain dogs) when you see your vet for an examination. This sample might be checked for parasites by your veterinarian. Digestive tract parasites are particularly hazardous to young canines.

If you have a new young puppy or kitty, bring a feces sample to the preliminary LHAH vet clinic visit. This will help your pet begin to an excellent start. This is important info that you must relay to your veterinarian.

6. Do not allow your dog to take in excrement.

Eating feces is an excellent technique to use up parasites since numerous parasitic worms are shed into an animal’s excrement. It is critical to keep your pet from ingesting feces by rapidly dealing with the waste or strolling your dog on a leash while in an area where feces from other animals might be accessible.


Standing water is a perfect breeding area for Giardia, a parasite that might trigger severe diarrhea. Never allow your pet to drink from standing water or puddles, and constantly provide your pet a tidy, fresh supply of water to help prevent him from seeking water elsewhere. Securing your pet from internal parasites is necessary to keep him healthy and delighted. All it takes is an effort to keep these little insects from troubling your pet.