The field of dentistry, known as “emergency dentistry,” treats patients who have experienced unexpected dental emergencies. Imagine yourself in a scenario where you’ve lost a tooth or more due to an accident or physical altercation. You may also have abrupt, severe tooth discomfort that prevents you from waiting until your subsequent dental examination.

Dental Emergencies

Most people will experience some oral emergency at some point in their lives. While regular preventative dental treatment is perfect, preparing for an oral emergency is as important. Avoiding permanent damage and gaining back excellent oral health requires a timely reaction and the correct emergency treatment therapy. The following are common oral emergencies prevalent among oral clinics. 


Severe discomfort in the teeth can be caused by numerous things, the most common of which is dental decay, but it is never a great sign. Nevertheless, while some toothaches can be treated at home, others need instant medical attention and oral surgery at various dental clinics, like oral surgery Ottawa, specifically if accompanied by signs such as swelling.

Common home treatments, such as aspirin and other pain relievers, should be avoided since they can burn the gum tissue if they come into contact with it. Instead, it would assist if you thought about a cold compress on your cheek and contacted a dental facility immediately. Your dental practitioner will emphasize preserving excellent oral health as soon as your treatment is complete to avoid further concerns like dental caries and cavities.

Chipped or Broken Teeth

Broken or chipped teeth can be unbearable and undesirable. Warm water rinses and a gauze pad can stop the bleeding in your mouth. Then, to alleviate swelling and discomfort, place a cold compress on the location of your face that is close to the damaged or chipped tooth. An emergency dental expert will caution you to be mindful when biting into complex or crunchy meals and engaging in sports or other activities that could damage your teeth.

Knocked-Out Tooth

In a similar vein, if a tooth is fractured or chipped, you should take it up by the crown (the visible area in the mouth) and only rinse the root if it is dirty. If you can help it, resist the urge to brush away any remnants of connective tissue. You might be able to re-implant the tooth, depending on the severity of the damage, but you should take care not to force it. Doing so after a tooth has been knocked out, preferably within an hour, can increase the probability that the tooth can be conserved and return to place. Therefore, the tooth can be restored in various dental emergencies, like laser dentistry Calgary.


Infections in the mouth, particularly around a tooth’s root or in the crevice between teeth and gums, can be dangerous. If left without treatment, they can spread to different parts of the body and the teeth and gums nearby. You should check it out if you have a sore, swollen location on your gums, similar to a pimple. Emergency dental care is available at different oral workplaces, including veneers in Edmonton; you can call them immediately. Thus, the swelling can be temporarily reduced by rinsing the mouth with a saltwater solution. 

In a Nutshell

A tooth after an injury often depends upon how quickly the victim receives medical attention. Infections are another possible complication of oral injuries; the sooner they are treated, the better. For that reason, getting emergency care will guarantee your injury is treated quickly and dramatically decrease the likelihood of unfavorable consequences.